kyokushin karate japan russia fighters

Karate Kyokushin kaikan is a face of stand-up, full contact Karate, founded in 1964 by Korean-Japanese Karate master, Masutatsu Oyama

Kyokushin Karate in japan and Russia
In the beginning Shihan Tezuka became President of what we believe to be incorrectly named IKO3, as we were actually the first group to break away from the Matsui group. Shihan Matsushima was the vice-president.Subsequently, Shihan Tezuka resigned from his position whilst recovering from heart surgery. The Branch Chiefs at that time then chose Kancho Matsushima as the new President and the organisation took the name of IKO-Matsushima.
Kyokushin Karate in Russia

Sergey Suvorov
tel.: +7 499 264 6798 fax: +7 499 264 6798
mob.: +7 9 161 315 018 website:
address: Str. Krasnoselskaya 4, of. 8, 107140 Moscow, RUSSIA

5 best Karate Kyokushin interviews of Japan Russia Fighters

Ivan Mezentsev
my first open weight category tournament. I'm not afraid but rather excited. My main advantagesare my youth agility and speed . I started when I was about 10. I haveabout had hundred fights. The first "Tameshiwari" I did was at the Russian Championships.I broke 14 boards.

Goderzi Kapanadze
I have been training at home in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskyin harsh environmental condition. I found a cure and I fee great now. I will showit in the All Japan. The entire team of Kamchatka is helping my preparation, under the guidance of Sensei Timofeev. I have but Sensei Timofeev controls his legs very well so they go pass my head! For the 10th World Tournament, I did my preparation in Perm, a huge thanks to all the coaching staff, it was outstanding experience "there is no place like home. It's nice to hear such an assessment on my strikes, but I think my strength and speed can still improve. I never want to hurtmy opponent, but a fight is a fight. My goal in a fight is a victory by knockout.That is what Ilook for.

Lasha Gabaraev
I had participated in the 2010 All Russia Open Weigh and All America Open in 2011. I am going to fight in the Cup of Russia in Moscow, 20~21 October 2012. I believe Goderzi Kapanadze but I also must be careful for the Japanese fighters in the first two rounds, because I do not know them. Anything can happen. It's easier to know my opponents just before, my fighting style does not change! Nobody in particular, but I have to "pay back" to Igor Titkov because I lost against him in the All Russian second round. I pray to God and believe in myself! Up to the end!

Igor Titkov
I only thought that I had was to take care of myself for the next tournament. I like the "athlete's life"- exhausting workout, all this still excites me very much. I have many. But I also get punched on my head with "Ganmen Ouda" or illegal punch to my head which make me dizzy in almost every tournament. My partners in Perm have very strong low kicks, so during training I train my legs just enough. I have been lucky so far as I haven't faced any opponent with a brutal low-kick.My sparring partnersare Darmen Sadvokasov, Sergey Uvitsky andEvgeny Shevnin.

Farukh Turgunboev
I fought in the last All Japan in 2011. In fact, I found it is easier to fight against the Japanese fighters, their strikes are not strong. What I will do is to fight in my own way - start first and don't wait for my opponent. I'm very happy that I may have my chance go against Shohei Kamada. He beat me once before so I want to pay him back.
Basically, nothing has really changed in my training.I just started to train children from September this year. It is too early to say whether they will be champions or not. Most important thing is that I teach them to like Kyokushin and willingness to train hard.

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