All karate shotokan techniques and Stances
Shotokan Karate Techniques
Usually divided into three parts: Kihon (basics), kata (forms or patterns of moves), and kumite (sparring). Featuring techniques in kihon and kata of positions, which provide deep long stability, enable powerful movements, and strengthen the legs. The often Shotokan shroud military 'hard' and 'foreign' because it teaches it that way for beginners and colored belts to develop strong basic techniques and attitudes. And showed the strength and power in the beginning instead of suggestions slower, smoother. Those who progress to the level of brown and black belt develop a more fluid style which includes grappling and some of the techniques such as Aikido, which can be found in the black belt kata. Kumite techniques reflect these attitudes and actions on a basic level, but less structured, with a focus instead on speed and efficiency.Full List of All Karate Shotokan techniques

Positions and Stances ,basic stances in japanese means (Dachi Waza)
Voodoo Daci: the position of the roots
hachiji Daci: natural position
Daci hangetsu: Half Moon position
heisoku Daci: the position of the official attention
Kiba Dachi: the position of the horse / side position
kokutsu Daci: Back position
Kosa Dachi: squat position
Nico Dachi Ashi: the position of the cat
Daci renoji: L-position (for example in the kata, Heian godan)
sanchin Daci: Hourglass position
katashi Daci: crane, such as the position (for example in ENPPI kata)
tsuru Ashi Dachi: Parking (for example in Kata Gankaku)
zenkutsu Daci: Front position
Daci Yu: basic position
musubi Daci: all the toe joint and feet together in front of 45. The Ohio State University
Preparatory positions
Kochi gamae: hip preparatory position
Manji gamae: "Manji (卍)" preparatory position in the form of one arm raised above and behind the head with the other arm low block in front of the body (for example, in the kata, Heian godan)
Manji uke: "Manji (卍)" in the form of block
ryoken Kochi gamae: The weak position of the hip preparations (for example in the kata, Heian sandan)
Morote Coco gamae: The weak position of the preparatory hand (for example in the kata, ENPI)
Ban and Blocking techniques ,block tern in japanese is (Uke - waza)
Using the arms as weapons
Age uke: high mass
empi uke: elbow block (for example in the kata, Heian sandan)
gedan barai: low mass range
gedan Morote barai: twice the mass of low range (usually when he goes to Kiba Dachi)
haiwan uke: block box side (for example in the kata, Heian nidan)
juji uke: X block
kaisho uke Age: Open palm block high
kaisho haiwan uke: knife hand block side box (for example in the kata, Heian yondan)
kaisho juji uke: Open palm X block (for example in the kata, Heian godan)
kakiwake uke: floating X block (for example in the kata, Heian yondan)
Morote uke: twice the mass of the forearm (for example in the kata, Heian sandan)
Ngachi uke: rising palm sweep block (for example in the kata, Tekki shodan)
osae uke: palm block
otoshi uke: forearm drop block
shuto uke Age: high knife hand block
shuto gedan barai: knife hand block low and wide
shuto uke: Hand knife block
shuto livestock uke (block with knife hand locomotives)
Uke Soto: forearm block outside
sukui uke: block suction
Tate shuto uke: half knife hand block
Te osae uke: Drop block palm
Ogi Audi uke: inside forearm block
Ogi the uke: Out of mid-level block
gyako Ogi the uke: Reverse outside a mid-level (eg in the kata, Heian nidan)
Audi barai: Unlike large block forearm
Kami tsukami: grab hair (for example in the kata, ENPI)
usiro gedan barai: low mass range back (for example in the kata, ENPI)
Using legs
ashikubi Kaka the uke: Block ankle installation
Mika uke Jerry zuki: Crescent kick block (for example in the kata, Heian godan)
Nami Ashi, and is also known as Nami gaeshi: wave station biting block (for example in the kata, Tekki shodan)
sokutei osae uke: block only urgent
sokuto osae uke: block footedge Pressure
Striking techniques ,it called in japanese (Ogi - waza)
Omar empi: high elbow strike
Omar Tsuki: high punch
Choku zuki: straight punch
chudan JUKI (originally, "Tsuki"): mid-level punch
Empi Uchi: elbow strike
Gyaku zuki: reverse punch
HAISHU Ogi: Back hand strike
Haito Ogi: Ridge hand strike
Hisami zuki: scissor kick
June Zuki: Punch "jab" by the front, differs from Zuki Kizami in this square shoulders
Kagi zuki: hook punch
Kizami zuki: prick punch (such as 'Punch')
Mai livestock empi Ogi: the sterile side elbow strike (for example in the kata, Heian yondan)
Livestock empi: Hawk elbow strike
Morote zuki: double punch (for example in the kata, Tekki shodan)
Nakadaka Ippon Ken: One fist detailed
Nukite: Spear direct hit
Oi zuki: enhancing punch
Shuto Uchi: strike Knifehand
Shuto Yoko Ghanmen Ogi (knife direct blow to the head)
Shuto sakotsu uchikomi (direct leadership of the shear knife)
Shuto sakotsu Ogi (knife direct blow to the collarbone)
Shuto hizo Ogi (knife direct blow to the spleen)
Shuto Jodan Ogi Ogi (inside hand the knife to the neck)
Sokumen empi Ogi: sterile elbow strike (for example in the kata, Tekki shodan)
Tate zuki: half reverse punch, with vertical grip
Teisho Furik Ogi: Side palm heel strike
Teisho Ogi: Palm heel strike
Tettsui: grip hammer blow
Tettsui Hasamy Ogi: grip hammer blow scissors
Tettsui Yoko Uchi (down strike to grip side)
Uraken Ogi: strike Backfist
Uraken livestock Ogi (backfist circular blow to the head)
Uraken sayu: Ghanmen Ogi (backfist blow to the side)
Uraken hizo Ogi (backfist blow to the spleen)
Eat Ushiro empi (elbow blow to the back)
Aura zuki: punch short closure, with inverted grip, similar in nature to 'punch'
Ushiro empi: Back elbow strike
Yama zuki ("Mount punch"): a fist blow double wide (for example in the kata, Bassai Dai and Wankan)
Awase zuke: Narrow double fist strike
Yoko empi: side elbow strike
Yoko tettsui: hammer grip side blow (for example in the kata, Heian Nidan)
Gyaku age zuki: reverse punch height (for example in the kata, ENPI)
Kicking techniques (Jerry - waza)
barai Ashi: foot sweep
Fumikomi: stomp kick
Hiza Jerry: knee blow
Kick in the groin, such as front kick, but with the feet: kin Jerry
Mai Mai Jerry Ashi, and is also known as choku Jerry: Front kick with the front leg
May Jerry livestock Ashi: front kick tugs with front leg
May Jerry: Front kick
May Jerry Hiza: Front kick knee
Ren Jerry May -: double front kick (= weak Mai Jerry)
May Toby Jerry: front kick plane Livestock Jerry: kick locomotives Livestock Jerry hiza: circular kick knee Mikazuki Jerry: Crescent kick Nidan Toby Jerry: double front kick jump Tatsumaki senpuukyaku: Hurricane Tornado kick Toby Jerry: Jump kick Toby hiza Jerry: Jumping knee kick Toby livestock Jerry ushiro: jumping kick locomotives reverse ORA livestock Jerry: High kick locomotives at home, and is also known as Hawk kick Ushiro Jerry: kick back Ushiro livestock Jerry: Reverse kick locomotives Ushiro kekomi: Back side thrust kick Otoshi livestock Jerry: circular kick fall Yoko Jerry keage: side kick early Yoko Jerry kekomi: side thrust kick Yoko Jerry Toby: jumping side kick
Karate Shotokan techniques is missing many real techniques
1. Most Karate moves are self-referral.2. The element of real surprise is absent.
3. ground fighting can’t be ignored, Karate shotokan techniques not have such techniques.
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