Best Japanese Martial Arts Resources and video library to learn karate by yourself
Theres a great video about wado ryu out there called wado ryu the way of peace that features old footage of otsuka. It comes in two parts and clips of it can be found on youtube.
Excellent TV series that the BBC did many years ago called the way of the warrior. Most of the episodes can be found on youtube. Heres a few clips
Best one ive seen on ninjutsu is shinobi winds. A few errors but otherwise very good!
Budo the art of killing as already mentioned :)
Many more great ones i could list and many more shite ones too like the human weapon etc!
Excellent TV series that the BBC did many years ago called the way of the warrior. Most of the episodes can be found on youtube. Heres a few clips
Best one ive seen on ninjutsu is shinobi winds. A few errors but otherwise very good!
Budo the art of killing as already mentioned :)
Many more great ones i could list and many more shite ones too like the human weapon etc!

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